Friday, November 9, 2007

How Did My Life Get To Be So Wonderful?

I'll tell you how...I met my husband. This man is truly my soulmate. I know, everyone keeps telling me, "just wait til you've been married a few years and you feel differently". But, honestly, I just don't think I will. He treats my daughter and I like queens. I mean this is a man who knows nothing about kids really. He has a daughter, but she lives in another state. You look up bachelor in the dictionary and you see his picture. And in this picture he's eating day old pizza over the sink. He's only been around her on a daily basis for about a year and already he's a pro with her. It's been so wonderful watching him grow and become a step dad to her. I really can't explain how it makes me feel to see the two of them together. I remember a time when I came back from a trip and I had spent this trip basically looking for a sign that this was the man for me. That he would really be a good person to have around my child and in my child's life. I did a lot of thinking that weekend since I was by myself. Well, when I got home Frank wanted to take Morgan and I out to dinner. We were getting ready to go and Morgan was chattering and Frank looked at me in way that showed how much he loved both of us. I melted. I knew right then that he was going to be a wonderful step dad. And he is.

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