Monday, November 19, 2007

Religious Ramblings

As you may have guessed, I'm divorced and re-married. Usually not a problem for most folks. Except when you're Catholic. They don't believe in divorce. When you get married, it's for life so you better be real sure about things. So, as a Catholic, if you do divorce the church just doesn't recognize it. Period. Also, now you've sinned and shouldn't take Communion. Try explaining that to a seven year old. Also, my new husband is Episcopalian. For those of you who don't know, pretty much Catholic Light. The main differences are that they allow their clergy to marry and they don't see the Pope as the head of their church. My husband thought it would be nice for me to attend the Episcopal church with him since their views on divorce and re-marriage are a little more liberal. I did go with him. I liked how laid back it was. The people seemed genuinely nice and inviting. Now my husband would like for us to attend that church together. As a family. As in with my daughter. She's only seven and knows nothing but Catholicism. To say she'd get confused would be an understatement. At least I've saved her from the brainwashing of the Baptist folks my ex-husband likes to associate with.

I love my husband, I want us all to go to church as a family, but am I ready to give up being a catholic?

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